1. Use of different types of water: ‘live’ water, ‘dead’ water, P- water, L-water, S-water
2. Urine-therapy: use of urine in helping recovery or curing diseases
3. Herbal and other additional / helping cures
Different Types Of Water
‘Live’ and ‘dead’ water is obtained through electrolysis. ‘Live’ water is alkaline and helps in cases of too much acidity in the body .
‘Dead’ water is acidic and has good disinfectant qualities, used in various infections.
Both could be used during therapies which include enemas.
P-water is easily obtained in domestic circumstances by placing a container with spring water (or boiled and cooled down tap water) in a freezer. As soon as the first ice is formed on the surface, take the container out of the freezer, pour water into another container and put this one back to the freezer. Get rid of the remaining ice from the first container. Then wait till the water in our new container is frozen till 1/3 of the volume (or slightly more, up to 1/2), then take the container out and pour out the water that is not frozen. The remaining water is the P-water (Protie’s water), 80% purified, best suited for the biological processes in the body. Melting the ice will give water best for cooking or drinking.
L-water can take any shape of a container or can be spread across surfaces. The bigger the surface area the bigger the energetic potentials of water. By simply mixing water its surface area can be increased. One layer of water glides over the other etc. Water obtained in such a way is rare, in the natural environment. Mountain rivulets / creeks belong to this category. This water runs off mountain slopes in whirls. Such water, with numerous micro-whirls in it, is called L-water (Levitated). This type of water stimulates normalisation of metabolism and is highly capable of penetrating porous substances. It is known to improve blood after only 6wks of use. At home we can make it by using mixers. Varying the speed of rotation. Mix for about ½ minute.
S-water (Silica,quartz, Si). Quartz which is silica in a rock form, renews / regenerates the quality of any water. At home: put a piece of quartz (silica rock) in a big jar (3-5 l) and add water you would otherwise use for drinking. Leave the jar in a bright spot but not directly exposed to sun. Cover the jar with gauze. After 2-3 days the water is ready for use.
G.P. Malahov recommends using urine in curing many diseases and has proven very good results. He makes distinction between different types of urine: old, new, boiled, fresh, morning one, evening one, male, female, kids, frozen, activated, magnetised, etc.
Many people will be repulsed by the idea of using urine in any therapy be it externally or internally. But for those who know what urine is made of and what effects it has on different tissues, this idea makes sense. Those who are either curious or undisturbed by this idea / method will be given more information if and when they express a wish to try it.
Herbal remedies
This will be a separate section whereby main medicinal herbs will be described and what they do and how they help in complementing the fasting method. Or they will be included simultaneously when a specific condition is being dealt with, first by fasting then with help of herbs etc.
Author: Brian
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