There is no an absolute cure for flu. The main aim of any therapy is to ameliorate the symptoms of the condition, lessen the intoxication and to prevent and treat possible complications that may follow the condition.
Some traditional, folk, remedies:
1. Black currant (Ribes Nigrum)
A very efficient remedy for flu, black currant in all forms, with hot water and honey, or sugar. A decoction made from small branches of black currant is easy to make at any time of year. The small branches should be broken into small pieces and a handful of it goes with roughly 1 litre (4 glasses) of water and should boil for 5minutes. Then simmer for another 4 hours. At bed time drink up 2 glasses of the decoction. Repeat the same next day i.e. next bed time.
2. Onion and Garlic
At first signs of flu, cut a fresh onion and inhale the vapour and smell coming from the cut onion. Repeat it a few times a day. Between these inhaling actions do the following: soak small balls of cotton in crushed fresh garlic and place these small balls in your nostrils. Then take a few drops of garlic tincture on your tongue and spread it around your mouth. Swallow it later. The garlic tincture is prepared as follows: 100gr of fresh, crashed, garlic (2 heads) to roughly 300ml of either strong brandy or whiskey (40% min) and shake well and leave in a covered jar or bottle. Use over the next 3-4 days.
a) Recommended: to eat fresh, raw onion at meal time, possibly with soya yoghurt, if too strong to someone’s liking.
b) Recommended: eat fresh garlic, a minimum of a quarter of a garlic head a day and breath in vapour from crushed/cut fresh garlic.
After the Flu has passed, to recover and strengthen the body:
1. Decoction of rose hips. 1 soup spoonful of rose hips to 2 glasses of boiling water, leave in thermal flask for 24hrs. Drink ½ glass 2-3 times a day, before meals.
2. Decoction from juniper berries (dry) [juniperus communis]
1 soup spoonful of berries to cover with 2 glasses of boiling water (roughly 1 pint,or 0.5 litre), boil for 20min and strain. Take 1 soup spoonful 3 times a day.
Author: Brian
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