Arthritis is a condition related to joints, whereby they get affected either by infection or insufficient supply of nutrients.
Arthritis could be a separate condition or as a symptom of some other condition.
Manifestation / symptoms: pain, redness, swelling, deformation, malfunctioning of joints, limited mobility, raised body temperature (both locally around the affected joint and in general, the entire body.)
1. Cleanse the gut and the liver
2. Cleanse the body of ‘salts’ and impurities –by bay leaf
3. Change the diet (go on vegetarian / vegan diet, practice fasting, prepare food using P-water)
4. Rubbing in and massaging the affected areas by compounds / solutions, which stimulate faster dissolving of ‘salts’ / scale in joints.
5. Use sauna regularly or hot / warm baths; after which you should rub olive oil onto the affected areas.
1. Rubbing / massaging solution / compound can be prepared as follows:
Camphor-small lump (size of a blueberry) + 150ml of turpentine + 150ml olive oil + 150ml alcohol (70%) ….all of it goes into a half litre bottle, shake it a bit to mix it. Before bed time rub it onto the affected area / massage it in.
Keep rubbing it in till the area gets dry - i.e. till the liquid gets absorbed in through the skin. Then wrap up the joint with wool cloth to keep it warm.
2. When the pain is felt in joints take 100-130 fresh Dandelion flowers (or 70 dry ones) and soak in 0.4 litre of strong whisky / brandy, min 40% alcohol, then leave the bottle or jar for 3-5 weeks in a darker room, shake it occasionally.
With this extract / tincture massage the joint(s), rub it in systematically.
Instead of Dandelion flowers you can use Marigold flowers.
3. Soak 10grams of bay leaves in roughly a pint of water (600ml) and boil for 5 mins and leave for some time in thermal flask.
Sieve / drain and drink up in small quantities over a period of 12hrs.
Do not attempt to drink up all of it in one go!! (as it could trigger potential bleeding).
Do this above every day for 3 days and then make a break of 7 days.
After the break of 7 days repeat the 3-day treatment (tea drinking).
The effect which will be felt is that the ‘salts’ / ’scale’ will be dissolved in the joints and consequently the joints get more mobile and the pain will disappear.
4. Potatoes: boil potatoes for a few hours and then smash it into the liquid in the pot so as to create something like a thick stew / ‘kasha.’ - and eat this during the day.
5. First thing in the morning, on an empty stomach eat up / chew up and swallow a good size potato – RAW. After that 1-2 potatoes boiled in skin. Eat without salt.
TO MAINTAIN GOOD AND HEALTHY JOINTS - shift to vegetarian diet or ideally to a vegan diet. (NO milk, no junk sugary food, no processed and excessive grease / oil, no pasta or white-flour based products, best to avoid wheat –based products
altogether including bread too.)
Author: Brian
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